As we wrap up September and we are officially in the Fall season I would like to leave you with some resources that make the rest of the year outstanding. Remember, you are not alone!
Recovery Awareness:
Central Valley Recovery Services (drug and alcohol rehabilitation): (559) 625-2995
Family Services:
NAMI of Tulare County 1-800-950-6264
Family Services of Tulare County Counseling Center (559) 741-7310
Food and Shelter:
Bethlehem Center (Meals- M-F 7:30 AM - 8:AM, M-Sat 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM): (559)734-1572
Food lINK of Tulare County (559)651-3663
Visalia Emergency Aid Food Pantry (559)732-0101
Suicide Prevention:
Suicide Prevention & Information Resources Here is a list of fantastic resources: Here is a list of suicide prevention resources: English: 1-800-LifeNet (1-800-543-3638) English: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) Spanish: 1-877-Ayudese (1-877-298-3373) Mandarin/Cantonese: 1-877-990-8585 For TTY Users: 1-800-799-4TTY (1-800-799-4889) For Veterans: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) & press 1
All reactions: 1Arthur Tium
Crisis and Hotlines: 24-HR Mental Health Crisis Line 1-800-320-1616
Welcome to Outstanding progress and support in "Outstanding October"
Outstanding artwork comes with the ability, and the means to express ourselves. We are proud of the participants at My Voice Media Center this past month. They have worked hard to attend the NAMI walk, where they won 2nd place and the painting session entered art in the Bovine art show in Exeter. The Bovine Art Show is happening between October 7, 2023, to December 30, 2023.
Upcoming participant's work in the Bovine Art Show can be seen Saturdays from 10:AM to 4:PM, and Sundays from 12:PM to 4:PM at the
Center for Art and Culture, CACHE
125 B St., (PO BOX 253)
Exeter, CA 93221
See their website:
Monthly Update
Theme: “Outstanding October”
Color: “Red”
Our monthly theme and color are based on October, having a lot of mental health awareness opportunities. Our participants are encouraged to incorporate our monthly themes
and colors within their artistic self-expression.
No Stigma Speakers Bureau
NSSB spoke to the Crisis Intervention Training group of police officers from all over Tulare County at the MVMC Tour.
NSSB makes plans to talk to TAY, Transitional Aged Youth Program in Visalia, CA.
NSSB in the Art’s Consortium’s membership meeting in June 2023:
CLICK HERE to go directly to our NEW No Stigma Speakers Bureau FACEBOOK group
MVMC Activities
There’s still time to volunteer for the Arts Consortium’s annual Taste the Arts Event is something participants like doing in October!
Participate as an Arts Consortium Volunteer at Taste the Arts 2023:
Merry Miller-Gass, facilitator for our Art and Feelings and the California Health Collaborative’s HEAL Project for youth, begins working with the CASA Kids, in CASA Art Night!
Lateef Kadara began a once-per-month youth session at Allensworth Community Center.
October is ADHD Awareness Month, Depression Awareness Month, and Anniversary of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act.
Dates to remember: Mental Illness Awareness Week (Oct. 1-7), OCD Awareness Week (Oct. 8-14), and World Mental Health Day (Oct. 10)!
MVMC will be closed from FRIDAY, Oct. 13th, and will reopen on TUESDAY, Oct. 24th.
National Alliance for Mental Illness, or NAMI site:
Transitional Aged Youth Program; Alternative Family Resources;
Mental Health America Mental Health Awareness Calendar;
The My Voice Media Center (MVMC) is made possible through a partnership between the Arts Consortium and the Tulare County Health and Human Services Mental Health branch.
October 2023 CALENDAR:
Happy Halloween!
Photo by Susan L.
The My Voice Media Center serves adults from throughout Tulare County who have first-hand experiences with mental health struggles and those who provide support for the same.
We believe that self-expression through various mediums of art can help our community members thrive on their path of wellness and recovery. The My Voice Media Center aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness.
Our activities include the following:
We provide a safe and welcoming environment where participants may explore their own artistic style
We provide opportunities for our participants to learn from professional artists on and off-site
We provide exhibition and art sale opportunities for interested participants
We provide opportunities for our participants to take part in presentations that help educate our community at large about mental wellness and recovery
We collaborate with local organizations to promote and advocate for mental health services
We provide opportunities for our participants to visit other arts and culture centers
Onsite Adult Sessions: Photography, Printmaking, Video Editing, Photo Editing, Drawing, Painting, Guitar, 2D and 3D Art, NSSB (No Stigma Speakers Bureau), Peer Support, Art and Feelings, Art of Movement, and other activities, such as field trips.
Offsite Youth Sessions: Tulare County Court Appointed Youth, or CASA Art Night, California Health Collaborative’s HEAL Project Art Night
We would like to invite you to become a participant in the My Voice Media Center's free arts programming by visiting us and completing an enrollment form.
If you are interested in becoming a participant, having the NSSB session speak to your organization, would like to showcase MVMC’s artwork, or have general questions about the MVMC Project of Arts Consortium, please contact us!
Voicemail: 559-772-0001
Social Media: Facebook
Enroll at the Arts Consortium:
808 N Court St. Visalia, CA 93291
Thank you!