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Writer's pictureMy Voice Media Center

New Session, New Pamphlet!

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a great Summer! i just wanted to update you on a couple of changes at My Voice Media Center. We have an exciting new drawing session and a new pamphlets.

The My Voice Media Center Pamphlet

DRAWING WED 10am - 12pm

Still Life...

The Human Form....

Still Life...


And More.

Drawing is a great way to spend some of your summer time.

(Participants Artwork above: Nelson, Johnny)

Please call (559)772-0001

or visit us at 808 N. Court St. for an enrollment form.

My Voice Media Center is a mental health outreach and advocacy project of the Arts Consortium.. We offer FREE Art Sessions! These sessions are available to adults who have a lived experience in mental health and their friends and family.

The enrollment process is as easy as contact information and some details!


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