What is the NAMI walk?
"Walk with NAMI Tulare County is our annual key fundraiser and mental health awareness campaign to replace stigma with understanding and encourage positive changes in our communities. Together, we can make a difference. We encourage walkers to collect donations in support of their participation in the Walk. Proceeds from the Walk will be used in Tulare County to provide the following free mental health services and programs:
Support, education, and resource materials
Advocacy to raise awareness and replace stigma with understanding
Advocacy for equitable government and private sector policies for improved opportunities for housing, rehabilitation, and meaningful jobs for individuals living with mental illness
Charitable community contributions for individuals living with mental illness
Register for free, and join us for a day of offering hope and encouraging change." (Eventbrite)

This year's NAMI Walk T-shirt design...(a sneak peek)
Each year organizations register as groups and design T-shirts. Each group has the opportunity to design their own shirts, and provide a digital copy of the shirts to Tulare County Health and Human Services, Mental Health Division staff member. Get in touch with HHSA staff members to find out more for next year! (https://tchhsa.org/eng/mental-health/)
My Voice Media Center T-Shirts
This year My Voice Media Center extended the invitation to all participants who want to join the NAMI T-Shirt Decoration contest. The group organized their feelings about My Voice, the NAMI Walks, and the message they wanted to get to others about mental health's paths of recovery, wellness, and resilience.
The message is really important to the design of the t-shirt...It is what others see, what others see you recognize about the path of recovery, staying well, and being resilient to the stigma surrounding mental health every day. (Volunteer Board Member)

How to Register:
Please go to Eventbrite and look up "NAMI Walk with Tulare County", or click on the link below.
Thank you for reading the MVMC Blog!
