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Last Friday Art Video Success!

Having the projector and a little bit of time on Friday, at the end of the week is a great opportunity to put on a "movie". MVMC's Peer Support Specialist, Olivia Garza presents the participants with a carefully chosen video that participants can create to. The participants are able to stop the video with Olivia and paint along with another artist on

Olivia has chosen some really neat projects and pieces to paint!


June 2022

August 2022

This September Olivia has a special project planned to watch and follow along with - Clouds.

so, if you have ever felt like you would like to learn how to paint clouds - come and visit the My VoiceMedia Center on September 30, 2022 from 1-3 PM.

To become a participant of our mental health outreach please come by or request an application by email. We encourage and invite adults who have a live-experience in dealing with mental health issues to participate and learn how the creative process can benefit their path of wellness and recovery. We also invite direct family and friends and support persons to enroll along side you and your journey at My Voice Media Center.




Participant works may be inspired by magazines, research, online research, or other sources.

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