We have had many come and pick up an art kit at My Voice Media Center, while we are in the process of moving. The date to move in seems far away, but we keep pushing forward and making art. We will celebrate the move when it gets here, and in the meantime, I encourage you all to submit your art to mvmc@artsconsortium.org!
A Participant's Work: (For "No Stigma November")
Amongst all the hustle and bustle, there is one participant who has still come into My Voice to complete his CSET hours and showcase his great art both to us and on his website. His website was built with tools he learned at MVMC in sessions and continues to study elements that he can add to his growing talents.
We can all learn from Nelson and enjoy some of his amazing works. He recently sold a piece at the Que Concha Coffee Art Show in August 2023 and has had works shown at Arts Visalia, Cafe 210, and in the My Voice Media Center's Peer Art Gallery.

My Voice Media Center is a project through the Arts Consortium. We are in a large part funded by Tulare County Health and Human Services, Mental Health Division. We continuously offer free art sessions to and for our peers in the mental health community along with their support systems.
The creative process at work with wellness and resilience is surely an example of success.
His work reminds me of Rothko, filling the canvas with rectangular, square-like shapes of colors. The thickness and the layers of paint have everything to do with the message and meaning put into the painting.
Amongst the art that Nelson does with MVMC during regular sessions, he like to create videos and use his website as a tool for blogging and social media to post short videos.
Visit Nelson's website to learn more about his work:
From the Art Kits:
Nelson has created a breadth of work the My Voice Media Center Project, where we are located in the Arts Consortium. There are a lot of sessions that he enjoys, like Video Editing, Photo Editing, 2D And 3D Art, Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, and Art and Feelings. (See Below for a Calendar or visit our calendar page.)