A Successful Art Show
One of our participants had the opportunity to share, and sell, original artwork made at My Voice Media Center at the Visalia Wellness Resource Fair on Friday September 9th, 2022. The ability of My Voice Media Center to be able to help our peers show their work in gallery settings, and opportunities like this makes our business in the mental health community very important. MVMC is a project of the Arts Consortium, Tulare County's designated Arts Council.(Artsconsoritum.org) My Voice Media Center serves non-crisis adults in the mental health community. We offer FREE opportunities through the guidance and direction of arts facilitators.

Why Show Your Work?
MVMC is a great opportunity for adults who have a lived-experience in the mental health community. We are a non-crisis organization and encourage participants to enroll and participate in different art sessions (free), support session and much more. We create opportunities to learn by providing talented members of the art community, opportunities like the Visalia Community Arts Show - currently on show through September, where participants were offered the opportunity to apply to the show (free of charge). While the work is on show in a gallery the work may be sold or other work could be found as an artist.

This opportunity, as stated in a previous post was MVMC's first showing of artwork involving only one participant. This solo peer art showing was a great opportunity to remain connected to the art and mental health communities. The participant was successful in selling two pieces of art to one of the patrons there browsing the many tables of resources available in the mental health community, in Tulare County.

Who Was There?
Due to the heat wave, the organizations all met inside and we shared the building, breakfast and lunch.
Look and see what organizations were there!
The Visalia Transit Center, the Visalia Police Department, The Source, My Voice Media Center, the Porterville Wellness Center, and many more enjoyed the resource fair hosted by the Visalia Wellness Center!
Peer Art Gallery; Nelson; My Voice Media Center September 2022
Thank you for visiting myvoicemediacenter.com!
Becoming a Participant...
It is easy to become a participant at My Voice Media Center!
Become a part of resilience, recovery and wellness for yourself and reach out to our mental health outreach. This is an opportunity for you, or a loved one and you to participate . We also provide the opportunity for free art sessions for your support person, or family member, as well.
Visit us at 808 N. Court St, or request an enrollment form by email: mvmc@artsconsortium.org

We hope to hear from you soon!