Please take this opportunity to remember Arts Consortium and My Voice Media Center Project as it is now, for we celebrate "Remember September" a time to celebrate a new move and new Arts Consortium, My Voice Media Center Project.
Here are some more recent images of the Arts Consortium, My Voice Media Center:
Included above are more recent images of the Arts Consortium, but if you would like to share old pictures of the Arts Consortium, or My Voice Media Center, please contact Hope at
As Arts Consortium, My Voice Media Center Project has been a really big part of the mental health community. The community has benefitted from the program for adults who have live-experience mental health in their lives as a way for them to express themselves, discover art and become involved in the community.
WE offer sessions in art as well as music and sometimes writing.
MVMC was developed by authors in and around the Arts Consortium and the Urbanists. Both groups have initiated and help develop the framework, creating a separate entity called My Voice Media Center Project that focuses on helping individual find a safe and welcoming environment.
Many of the employees now at the Arts Consortium can remember that My Voice, or MVMC, has had long roots into the community.
Many participants can say the same, having been with My Voice for a long time,. The Arts Consortium itself was developed in approximately 1993 when artists themselves came up with the idea to start a non-profit gallery of sorts to not only help broaden the arts community but also display donated work from well-known artists.
Some of the Urbanists came along and began using the back, or lumberyard as their outdoors studio. Some of these members, even a facilitator of MVMC now, helped to create the idea of helping individuals with mental illness, and thus My Voice was beginning to have a face.
Many others remember what it was like as the My Voice Media center Project was beginning and have memories of working at the Arts Consortium running My Voice's first sessions and open mics. No Stigma Speaker's Bureau and NAMI were becoming a part as well as other branches of the community, like wellness centers in Tulare County.
Tulare County Health and Human Services, one of our partners at My MVMC is a big part here as well as our many supporters, listed below. The move will be for approximately 2 years. The reason for the move is for the construction of a new building where the Arts Consortium is now. The entire block will be transformed into special housing and a new place for Arts Consortium, and My Voice Media Center to call home.