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Mental Wellness and Recovery with ART

Updated: Jun 14, 2021

Pairing Mental Wellness and Recovery with ART Sessions

As a Mental Health outreach and place for participants to feel safe, welcome, and a part of the art community, we offer free ART sessions.

We offer many art sessions including photography, printmaking, acrylics, pastels, 2D/3D Art, Guitar and offer other activities for participants as well. My Voice Media Center is located in the Arts Consortium, a block away from the bus station.

In all that we do and aim to accomplish at My Voice Media Center, in our projects, in our sessions, we try to implement and encourage each participant, each individual to focus on wellness and

recovery at the same time remembering that "practice makes perfect".

Peer support is a great reason to continue expressing yourself, here at My Voice Media Center. The aim that peer support specialists have is to offer a combination of their own lived-experence to the support at My Voice Media Center, and what the strengths from those are.

The listening ear can lend a hand, through moments of each participants life. There is success when there is room for expression, room for support and our peers are using the arts as a tool for recovery.

The arts are expressive, they are captivating, they offer many avenues of skill sets, and technique building that create an environment just for the minds of recovering individuals. The participant can become socially interactive, collaborative, and involved in the arts. We have seen the benefits from arts, connecting to peers and the focus of individuals change and re-grow, and build upon skills that they already have or are interested in.

Take Guitar for example, we have seen recently, after re-opening our doors, the music fill the Arts Consortium, calm, relax, and talent begins to sing. The talent that we are able to facilitate to the participants through important techniques skills, and of course through a facilitator hired by the Arts Consortium.

Take printmaking, one of the oldest bookmaking techniques in the world. This session involves a block making process, ink, and printing. The concentration, communication and relative style of printmaking can be inspired by those subjects like, art history and facilitator and participant driven examples and criteria.

Acrylic Painting, Pastels and 2D/3D Art are comprised of the fine arts and learning through observation and careful composition. Rebecca and Olivia are both wonderful facilitators of the fine arts and combine a relaxing atmosphere for participants. Learning the fine arts can extend vision, composition and meaning to art. Pairing the tools of wellness in artmaking can create a palette and canvas for a participant to create anew and find tools of recovery in the process.

Photography sessions include an introductory experience and connection with the medium of digital photography. The facilitator creates an environment that welcomes the beginner and helps participants to develop skills that are professional.

We continue to offer other sessions and activities as well, so please give us a call and see what you might like about art and wellness.


Please visit Mental Health America for more information on how you can obtain a mental health test: Self-Help Tools | Mental Health America (




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