Thank you to the No Stigma Speakers Bureau for presenting today at San Jauquin Valley College. My Voice Media Center's NSSB Session participants present monthly all around Tulare County, including Tulare County's Crisis Intervention Training, which trains Police Officers all around Tulare County on the resources available to the mental health community.
Our Peer Support Specialist, Olivia, also facilitates a session called the No Stigma Speakers Bureau. Having "No Stigma" means that one group, or an individual, does not speak ill of another group or individual. More importantly, we don't make stereotypical judgments and create stereotypes, isolating others from living. Having No Stigma is important to our NSSB team because they use this empathetic response to learn how to write, edit, and educate the public on their success story.
Many learn and hear others' stories first-hand about mental health at different organizations like San Joaquin Valley College, where the NSSB Session spoke today. Those who presented were educating others on their successes surrounding mental health.
Join the No Stigma Speakers Bureau on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, from 10-11 am. Learn about your story...learn how to write about your story...and learn how to use your story as a tool to help others learn about mental health.
NSSB at San Jauquin Valley College; Jan. 04, 2024, Olivia, Mary Ann, Corine, and Sheila
The stories that this group share are personal and real-life stories of success. They impact everyone and give a first-hand account of what was successful along their journey. MVMC is so proud of these speakers and thanks them for all of the time they dedicate to their stories and their presentations!
Keep up the good work!