artsconsortium.orgMy Voice Media Center and Taste the Arts!
So how is MY VOICE MEDIA CENTER doing in the new building?
Lets find out...but first Art's Consortium's Taste the Arts event was on SATURDAY October 16th, 2021.
As you all know, My Voice Media Center was closed for Taste the Arts by Arts Consortium on Thursday and Friday. Participants, staff and volunteers were still able to participate in the event by helping to set up umbrellas, stay at the My Voice Media Center booth and help all artists set up and tear down for both Friday and Saturday. The event is an annual event hosted and run by Arts Consortium, My Voice Media Center's home.
Here are some images from the event, including our helpful volunteers, some of our facilitators, Thomas Fetch at the Grace Note Studio tent, some of the crowd and our volunteers from Kingsview high school, who were also foreign exchange students.
Speaking of home...
Arts consortium, My Voice Media Center is enjoying the new building while unpacking the last of our things. This is just a reminder to those of you who still need a little help finding us, below is a map.