This month is "LOVE YOUR ART" month for the representation of our LOVE in February and our LOVE for our ART. We have many ways in which we LOVE art, we love our own art, we love art historians, we love art history, we love the classics, we love to go and visit art galleries, we share and love each other's art and the list goes on and on. Sometimes art can arrive in our lives in unexpected ways of inspiration and ability to afford supplies and the demands of our lifestyles differ from time to time. It is important to have a system developed for your particular LOVES of ART.
Where are you going to put that? Sometime we may ask.
Instead of letting that discourage, let your self find a way to STORE and PRESERVE.
In making art, we know that supplies can take up a lot of room, and so can drying works, and storing them. What if it is a big installation? We have the cure to surviving in an ART ENVIRONMENT.