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A December Calendar

Thank you to all of you who worked so hard this December with the No Stigma Speaker's Bureau in planning the presentations at the Arts Consortium's membership meeting and the OPEN HOUSE held on December 17th. The No Stigma Speakers Bureau has worked really hard in editing and practicing.

The No Stigma Speakers Bureau is a session, along with many other ART sessions that include skills on public speaking. The session is designed to help educate the public on our services here at My Voice Media Center by highlighting participant stories in the community. The mental health community is a special part of My Voice Media Center and we encourage the growth and confidence that participants gain from public speaking.

Our hopes in telling our stories, even our peer support specialist's, is that the community will grow closer and find the resources that each of us needs in order to stay well.

A Look Back at


Members of the No Stigma Speakers Bureau continue to grow in numbers and presentations to the public. We have had a total of 3 presentations this year. The video editing session is continuing to make videos that highlight our events, and even some of the Arts Consortium's events such as F1rst Friday. MVMC has a very active participants that put a lot of time and effort into collaborating these videos. One participant in particular has made an effort to film F1rst Friday events and works with the Facilitator to edit and collaborate with other participants to continue making the short videos.

CAFE 210

Participants continue to work on one of the biggest videos ever in documenting and researching the history of Visalia, Fort Visalia, and the "Goodbye Lumberyard" video. A special speaker, Terry Ommen, presented at Cafe 210 Connect. This presentation was about the entire history of Fort Visalia, what started it all and some of the more recent history like Arts Consortium's old building.

Cafe 210 has already begun hosting the My Voice Media Center's mid-year Art Show in which participants are able to hang and sell their work. Cafe 210 will also be hosting My Voice Media Center's F1rst Friday Event in January, so stay tuned!

The new show will be called "New Beginnings".


The collaboration to attend local museums has been a success. We attended the Tulare County Historical Society Museum as n "All-Sessions Day" and will plan more trips in the future. My Voice Media Center . So please come by and get a calendar or visit our calendar page on the website!

During the Holidays

I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday from

My Voice Media Center!

Please be safe and use the following resources if you need to.

Mental Health Phone Lines

Tulare County Crisis Line 1-800-320-1616 (559) 730-9922

Provides a crisis counselor who will assist with emergency situations in preferred language. Free, confidential.

Tulare County Warm Line 1-877-306-2413 Provides someone to talk to who will not judge or criticize. Every day 8am-10pm. English/Spanish. Free, confidential.

Suicide Prevention Hot Line (800) 273-8255 (English) (800) 628-9454 (Spanish) Provides a skilled, trained crisis worker who will listen to problems and describe mental health services in local area. Free, confidential.

The Trevor Helpline for LGBTQ Youth (866) 488-7386 Provides a trained volunteer counselor for crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth. Free, confidential.

Online Works Cited:



Participant works may be inspired by magazines, research, online research, or other sources.

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