They do say, "April showers bring May flowers," but I have seen flowers blooming already! The rain has finally slowed down and we have already had the first day of Spring, March 20th. Looking ahead we have May, Mental Health Awareness month coming up and we are excited to have a F1rst Friday event with Arts Consortium in the Oval Park!
April is preparation month for this and other events happening all over the county, so, it's "All About April"!

April 2023
This month's theme is “All About April”, and the color of the month is Coral.
Our participants are encouraged to incorporate our monthly themes and colors within their artistic expression.
Last Month: “Fantastic February”
The South Valley Arts Tour was on March 25 and 26th! Participants enjoyed the tour via an MVMC carpool experience!
Participants draw a real skull in the Drawing session, Wednesdays from 10-12 PM.
Participants are thinking and preparing for May, Mental Health Awareness month by continuing to create.
The art market will host participants during Arts Consortium’s F1rst Friday event in May for the annual countywide recognition of May, Mental Health Awareness Month.
This Month: “All About April”
Welcome to All About April!
This month’s color is Coral (The coral hex code is #FF7F50.)
Have your own Peer Art Gallery VISIT in the exciting new ONLINE Peer Gallery is available anytime -
This month is a National month of Hope, National Poetry month, Counseling Awareness month, Stress Awareness month and April 11th is National Dog Therapy Appreciation Day! (
The NEW Art and Feelings session has already made an impact on our peers through the connection to colors and emotions. Fridays 10 am - 12 pm.
May, Mental Health Awareness month is coming!
The Art Market and Open Mic preparation is happening in every session preparing for F1srt Friday, May 5, 2023!
The My Voice Media Center (MVMC) is made possible through a partnership between the Arts Consortium and the Tulare County Health and Human Services Mental Health branch.
We offer Photography, Printmaking, Video Editing, Photo Editing, Drawing, Painting, Guitar, 2D and 3D Art, NSSB (No Stigma Speakers Bureau), Peer Support, and other activities.
- Fun art videos from 12-2 PM on the last Thursday of every month!
- One-on-One Peer Support sessions are available WED 2-3 PM and THURS 2-3 PM - schedule yours today!
- Visiting Artist Sessions (Next visiting artist will be TONI BEST featuring Gourd Art in MAY- more details to come)
CLICK HERE to visit us on Facebook
The My Voice Media Center serves adults from throughout Tulare County who have first-hand experiences with mental health struggles and to those who provide support for the same.
We believe that self-expression through various mediums of art can help our community members thrive on their path of wellness and recovery. The goal of the My Voice Media Center is to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Our activities include the following:
We provide a safe and welcoming environment where participants may explore their own artistic style
We provide opportunities for our participants to learn from professional artists on and off-site
We provide exhibition and art sale opportunities for interested participants
We provide opportunities for our participants take part in presentations that help educate our community at large about mental wellness and recovery
We collaborate with local organizations to promote and advocate for mental health services
We provide opportunities for our participants to visit other arts and culture centers
We would like to invite you to become a participant in the My Voice Media Center's free arts programming by visiting us and completing an enrollment form.
Our program hours are 10 am to 3 pm from Tuesday to Friday.
Voicemail: 559-772-0001
Enroll today at the Arts Consortium's My Voice Media Center: 808 N Court St. Visalia, CA 93291
Thank you!
